Oggi, il 26 agosto alle 18.30 la Manni Art Gallery inaugura la sua sede espositiva al Lido di Venezia, dedicando una personale dal titolo "Choses d'après nature"
al maestro David Dalla Venezia.
David Dalla Venezia, n.582, oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm, 2008 (by Courtesy of the Artist)
David Dalla Venezia
Personal Picture Exhibition "Choses d'après nature"
Catalogue texts by Andrea Pagnes
27 August - 30 September 2010
Opening hours 4:30 to 11:00 pm
Lido di Venezia, Italy
Sandro Gallo 97/A-B
Venezia, Italy
David Dalla Venezia, n.575, oil on canvas, 65x 50 cm, 2008 (by Courtesy of the Artist)
The Art Historian said:
Born in 1965 in Cannes, France, David Dalla Venezia has developed a unique language tectically and poetically, where the study and deepening of the figure represent the expressive backbone and comunicative code key. Moving between tradition and modernity, there are two opposin and more specific cultural references from which David Dalla Venezia's painting was ispired by, and from where they have emancipated:
the first is the so-called Lowbrow or Pop Surrealism, a popular moviment, of lower level, conceived in the late seventies underground environments of the West Coast (to whichi certain works of David must be brought back, such as the illustration of album covers of Avion Travel and 12 paintings, made on the palisades of Venice in duet with Hiroshi Daikoku between 1987 and 1989). The second, highest in profile, draws its subsequent psychoanalysis investigations of Freud and Jung, and the philosophical speculation of Schopenhauer, Nietszche even Severino. To investigate the unconscious and the emerge through the pictorial representation with some possible answers, at the same time offering a vision of things and the world where the dream is entangled with reality, and fiction is repeated, make David Dalla Venezia'a painting to operate two doubled levels: aesthetic-narrative and philosophical-metaphysical.
David Dalla Venezia, n.578, oil on canvas, 35 x 33 cm, 2008 (by Courtesy of the Artist)
Je souhaite à David beaucoup de succès lors de son exposition personnelle, le vernissage est sans doute demain.
ОтговорИзтриванеLa dernière fois que j'ai vu une de ses toiles, il portait encore ses grosses lunettes et c'était chez B.A.C. Studio.
J'ai vu que maintenant il a la barbe sur un nouveau autoportrait...
Je note l'information, mais mon petit carnet est au bord du malaise.....bref , y a plus beaucoup de place pour y écrire..tout ce que je dois (devrais) faire là-haut !